Zero no Tsukaima [Light Novel]

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  1. Dio Sëifer

    Gold Roger

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    Zero No Tsukaima

    Volume 1 - Il famiglio di Zero / ゼロの使い魔
    Inserto e retro di copertina

    Il regno della magia
    1. Sono un famiglio
    2. Zero Louise
    3. Leggenda

    4. Un giorno da famiglio
    5. Kirche la Fiamma Ardente
    6. Il Mercante d'armi di Tristania
    7. Fouquet la Valanga di Terra
    8. Il bastone della Distruzione

    Volume 2 - Albion del Vento / 風のアルビオン

    1. La barca segreta
    2. Her Majesty's Melancholy
    3. A Childhood Friend's Request
    4. Port City - La Rochelle
    5. CA Rest Day Before Leaving
    6. The White Country
    7. The Prince of a Dying Country
    8. The Eve Before the Final Battle in Newcastle
    9. The Final Battle

    Cosa sono quei link?
    Quei link vi portano al sito Baka-Tsuki dove potrete leggere i capitoli in italiano del light novel Zero No Tsukaima.

    Cos'è Baka-Tsuki?
    Baka-Tsuki è un sito simile a Wikipedia, dove gli utenti possono tradurre novel giapponesi in inglese o in altre lingue.

    Perchè non ci sono altri capitoli?
    Perchè non sono ancora stati tradotti, il progetto è in fase di stallo da 2 anni e dubito fortemente che quello che ha iniziato la traduzione la ricomincerà.

    Non so l'inglese, cosa posso fare?
    Ti tocca aspettare. Augurati non troppo :(

    Non so l'inglese e non mi va di aspettare, cosa faccio?
    Fai come facciamo tutti. Attaccati a sto candelotto di dinamite ;)

    Ce lo fai un saluto?

    Volume: 2. Albion del Vento
    Capitolo: 1. La barca segreta

    Louise era distesa sul suo letto. Sognava di essere tornata a casa sua, a tre giorni di viaggio dall'accademia di Tristain.

    La giovane Louise nel suo sogno stava correndo intorno alla casa.

    “Louise, dove sei? Esci fuori ora!” gridava sua madre. Nel suo sogno Louise veniva rimproverata per i suoi bassi voti nello studio della magia. Veniva costantemente paragonata alle sue sorelle, le quali avevano avuto molti più risultati di lei.

    Louise intravide un paio di scarpe da sotto un cespuglio.

    “La signorina Louise è davvero negata con la magia!”

    “Sono pienamente d'accordo. Perchè non può essere come le sue sorelle, che sono invece così dotate?”

    Louise, dopo aver ascoltato quelle parole, iniziò a mordersi le labbre sentendosii triste ed abbattuta. La servitù iniziò a cercarla fra la vegetazione. Louise fece del suo meglio per scappare, e si ritirò nel posto che lei usava chiamare "Giardino Segreto" – il lago centrale.

    Il Giardino Segreto era l'unico posto dove Louise riusciva a sentirsi a suo agio. Era tranquillo, con nessuno intorno. Fiori sbocciavano ovunque e gli uccelli si posavano sui tavolini vicino al laghetto. E nel centro del lago c'era una piccola isola, con una piccola casa fatta di marmo.

    Vicino l'isola c'era una barca originariamente usata nel tempo libero, ma ora era stata dimenticata ed abbandonata. Le sue sorelle maggiori, una volta cresciute erano troppo occupate con gli studi. Suo padre, che si era ritirato dai suoi doveri militari, spendeva tutto il suo tempo in mezzo ad altri nobili. L'unico passatempo del padre era la caccia. L'unico interesse di sua madre era quello di insegnare alle figlie e non gliene poteva importare di meno di tutto il resto.

    Per questa ragione, nessuno oltre a Louise venne più al lago dimenticato, o si ricordò della piccola barca. Per questo Louise sarebbe venuta a rifugiarsi in quel posto, ogni qualvolta veniva rimproverata.

    Nel sogno di Louise, una versione più giovane di lei saltò nella piccola barca e si rannicchiò in un lenzuolo preparato in precedenza.

    Mentre stava nascosta nella sua coperta, un uomo con un mantello da nobile apparve sull'isola ricoperta dalla nebbia.

    Il nobile aveva all'incirca sedici anni. Nel suo sogno lei ne aveva sei, c'era una differenza di dieci anni fra loro.

    “Stavi piangendo, Louise?” Non era possibile intravedere la sua faccia, che era coperta dal largo cappello.

    Ma Louise sapeva esattamente chi fosse: era il Visconte, il nobile che aveva appena ereditato le terre intorno alla sua. Louise sentì un calore dentro di lei; il Visconte era l'uomo dei suoi sogni. Frequentavano spesso banchetti insieme, inoltre, i loro padri avevano già combinato un matrimonio.

    “Sei proprio tu, signor Visconte?”

    Louise si coprì il volto a casaccio; non voleva che l'uomo dei suoi sogni la vedesse piangere. Sarebbe stato imbarazzante.

    “Sono stato invitato da tuo padre per parlare del matrimonio.”

    Sentendo quelle parole, Louise era ancora più imbarazzata, al punto che non riusciva neanche più ad alzare la testa.

    “Veramente? Ma questo è impossibile, signor Visconte.”

    “Louise, mia piccola delicata Louise, io non ti piaccio?” disse in tono scherzoso.

    Louise scosse la testa gentilmente e disse sfacciata, ”No, non è questo. E' solo che sono ancora giovane ed inesperta ...”

    Il volto nascosto sotto il cappello rivelò un sorriso e tese la mano a Louise.

    “Signor Visconte.”

    “Milady, perfavore prendete la mia mano. Veloce, il banchetto sta per iniziare.”


    “Sei stata sgridata ancora? Non preoccuparti, parlerò io con tuo padre.” disse il Visconte.

    Louise annuì, si alzò e prese la mano del Visconte. Che mani grandi, non erano quelle le mani che aveva sempre sognato di tenere?

    Mentre stava per afferrare la mano del visconte, un'improvvisa raffica di vento fece volare via il cappello dalla testa del Visconte.

    “Eh?!” Louise guardò perplessa la sua faccia. Dato che era un sogno, Louise tornò ad essere la se stessa di sedici anni.

    “Cosa... Cosa stai facendo?”

    La persona nascosta dal cappello non era il Visconte, ma il suo famiglio, Saito.

    “Louise, vieni, presto.”

    “Non importa se vengo o no, perchè sei qui?”

    “Non essere di così strette vedute, non ti sei già innamorata di me?” rispose Saito, impudentemente vestito come il Visconte.

    C'è da chiedersi da dove abbia preso tutta quella confidenza.

    “Non essere stupido, ero solo un pò confusa, faresti meglio a smettere di sognare!”

    “Smettila di inventarti scuse, mia Louise.”

    “Chi sarebbe la 'tua Louise'?!”

    Saito fece finta di non aver sentito, ma anzi, si avvicinò ancora di più.

    “Cosa stai cercando di fare, idiota?!”

    Ignorando le sue lamentele, Saito continuò ad avanzare e salito sulla barca afferrò Louise, fra le sue braccia.

    “Perchè proprio tu?” Louise chiese frustrata mentre prendeva a pugni Saito. Ma Saito non si arrabbiò per niente, anzi il suo sorriso divenne più ampio. Questo fece arrossire Louise dall'imbarazzo. non ne sapeva la ragione, ma si sentiva bene fra le braccia di Saito. Questo fece crescere l'ansia in Louise.

    Disteso sul letto, Saito aprì lentamente gli occhi. Le due lune piene gemelle brillavano nella stanza, illuminandola vivacemente. Louise dormiva nel suo letto e gemette come se stesse avendo un incubo.

    Saito pregò che lei continuasse a dormire. Si alzò silenziosamente e si avvicinò lento a Louise, ancora addormentata.

    “Che succede compagno? Non dormi?” Derflinger chiese improvvisamente a Saito.

    “Shhhh...” Saito si girò di scatto puntandosi il dito sulle labbra.

    “Non vuoi che io parli? Perchè no?”

    “Shhhh...” Saito scosse la testa, e ancora una volta mise il dito medio fra le labbra, fissando il suo compagno, Derflinger, con aria infastidita.

    “Questa freddezza non te la perdonerò mai. Il mio compagno si sveglia nel cuore della notte senza nemmeno dirmi il motivo. Mi sento depresso ed arrabbiato.

    Finita la frase, Derflinger si mosse scuotendo il suo corpo, come se fosse davvero arrabbiato. Che spada impossibile.

    Svegliata dal rumore della spada Louise si voltò ed aprì gli occhi.

    Saito ebbe un tuffo al cuore.

    Louise si mise seduta ed iniziò a sgridare Saito.

    “Non essere così pieno di te! Faresti meglio a pulire, non vedi tutta la polvere accumulata in giro? E nono dirmi che hai già pulito, ritatardato d'un famiglio, sei un idiota!”

    Il corpo di Saito divenne ghiaccio solido, come se gli fosse stato lancito un incantesimo di indurimento.

    But after Louise finished scolding Saito, she lay down once more and slept. Apparently, she was just talking in her sleep. Even in her sleep, Louise was ordering Saito about. Saito felt simultaneously relieved and saddened.

    Derflinger, who was watching Saito all this time, gave a hapless sigh.

    “She’s talking in her dreams, huh? But it doesn’t seem to be music to your ears, Saito.”

    Saito stared angrily at Derflinger, who had almost spoiled his plan and quickly walked towards him and said, “You better keep quiet, you idiot!”

    “You’re really too much, I shall not forgive you! If my partner wants me to be silent, then I will definitely be silent! But for suddenly waking up in the middle of the night and being so sneaky about it, you’ll definitely suffer retribution even if you tell me your reason now.”

    Derflinger’s sense of curiosity is the same as his partner's. It seems he wants to know Saito’s reason for waking up in the middle of the night no matter what it takes.

    Saito sighed, and then pointed to the sleeping Louise.

    “What about the Noble’s daughter?”

    “What do you think partner?”

    Saito used his hands and made a gesture resembling a heart.

    “What does that mean?”

    “It represents love.”

    “That girl likes you, partner?”


    “How do you know?”

    Saito stood up, and danced while not making any noise.

    “Ah... you are referring to the ball?”

    “You saw Louise’s expression while we were dancing, right?”

    “Yeah, I saw it.”

    “Her face was so red...” Saito said while in a daze.

    “Yeah, it was very red.”

    “She seemed to want to hold my hands and not let them go.”

    “Are you sure!?”

    “Derf, you’re just a piece of metal, so you’ll never understand a girl’s heart. If a girl looks at a boy like that, it means she’s indirectly telling him that she likes him.” Saito said, while knocking on the sword.

    “True, I’m but a sword, and I don’t understand interpersonal relationships at all. But since you say so partner, it must probably be true.”

    Saito nodded happily and said, “You’re really sensible, Derflinger!”

    “Then, my good partner, since you’re sure that she likes you, are you going to make her your girlfriend?”

    “Yes! I’m sure that she likes me, and I’d like her to be my girlfriend!”

    “That’s impossible. I’ve been around for a long time and this is the first time I’ve heard of a familiar having an affair with its master. You’re incredible!”

    “Ah... that feels good. Come, praise me again.”

    “My partner, you’re fantastic!”

    Saito stood up and buoyantly asked, “Derf, who's the most handsome man in the world?”

    “Of course it’s you, partner.”

    “Who is the greatest person in this world without magic?”

    “Of course it’s you, partner.”

    The praises went straight to Saito's head. He felt as if the whole world was cheering for him. One has to wonder if he has a problem with his IQ.

    “Louise is really fortunate that I have taken a liking to her. The great and handsome me.”

    “If that haughty girl really likes you, then why did she have to scold you even in her dreams?”

    Derflinger wanted to continue voicing his opinions, but was stopped by Saito. “Louise is in reality extremely stubborn. She would not bare her heart that easily.”

    “Is that so?”

    “If I went over and asked her, she would definitely reply: 'What are you saying? You stupid familiar!' “

    “Like you said, do you really know her inside out, partner?”

    “Of course! Although she’s always denying it, in reality she desperately wants me to ‘conquer’ her. She’s already deeply in love with me, but Louise is a very headstrong girl, she won’t tell me that she likes me directly due to her pride.”

    “Partner, you must be a genius to have deduced this.”

    “So now, I’m to represent planet Earth and make this from Halkeginia mine. You understand don’t you, Derf? So could you do me a favor and keep your mouth shut?”

    Derflinger shook his body, signifying agreement.

    “If that’s the case, I will remain silent then.”

    Saito thanked Derflinger and once again approached Louise.

    Louise was still in deep sleep. No matter from what angle you look at the sleeping Louise, she still looks as beautiful as ever. Saito took a deep breath; the room was filled with a nice fragrance.

    Saito, trembling slowly, lifted Louise’s blanket.

    Moonlight shone onto Louise who was wearing a nightgown. Even though Louise was wearing her nightie, one could still feel her smooth and supple skin through it. Although just slightly, her breasts had developed. Also, Louise did not like to wear undergarments when sleeping. Saito knew this extremely well - he was the one who prepared her undergarments every morning.

    Saito was so touched that tears nearly came out of his eyes. ''From now onwards the petite and cute girl will finally be mine,'' he thought to himself. He has been waiting for this moment for a week, ever since the ball.

    Rubbing his hands together, Saito approached the sleeping Louise and said, saying that, he snuggled under Louise’s blanket.

    “Ah, Louise, Louise your skin is really so smooth and supple. Haha… Saito you idiot…”

    Saito did not know why he called himself an idiot, but nonetheless he was becoming more and more aroused.

    He hugged Louise without thinking twice and kissed her cheek. Louise did not look like she would wake up anytime soon; she was quite a sound sleeper.

    “Louise, my dear Louise, your face; you have the cutest face in the world...” Following that, just as Saito was about to lift up Louise’s nightgown, she suddenly awoke. Saito was initially shocked, but he recovered quickly and hugged Louise tightly.

    “What... What are you doing?!”

    Louise immediately realized what was going on and struggled to break free from Saito’s arms.

    “Can’t you just stay still?”

    “Why... why... are you hugging me?

    “What are you saying? I thought that you liked me!?” Saito stared at Louise in frustration; Louise felt the anger and stopped struggling.


    Saito placed his hands on Louise’s shoulder and asked, “Aren’t you in love with me?”

    “What... what... nonsense are you blabbering?”

    “It’s all right Louise, I understand how you feel. I’m the one that understands you the most. Don’t be nervous, just relax.”

    Saito slowly moved his lips towards Louise’s; Louise’s face became paler and paler.

    ''Me, in love with you??''

    Louise’s dream just now flashed before her eyes again. Saito was exactly the same as in her dream, speaking to her in that audacious manner. Thanks to that, the more Louise looked at Saito, the angrier she became. Both the Saito in her dream and the Saito in reality made her mad, really mad. You could say it was pure rage.

    Louise was now trembling in anger, but Saito mistook it for shyness, as Louise had had no prior experience.

    “Are you still nervous, this is my first time too. Relax while I take off my pants...”

    Louise felt Saito holding up her waist...

    As swift as a flame salamander catches its prey, Louise shot her right leg upward and struck Saito between the legs.


    Saito immediately felt his spine carry the excruciating pain from his groin all the way to his brain. Saito, not able to take the pain, began foaming at the mouth and rolled off of Louise’s bed. Louise slowly got up and grabbed the horse whip which was placed next to her bed.

    Saito, seeing the whip, tried to escape, but the whip-bearing Louise already had her foot on Saito’s head.

    “What did you want to do to me just now?!”

    Saito, slowly recovering from his pain, managed to speak, ”Aren’t we just like lovers whispering sweet nothings to each other just now?”

    Louise using her foot to apply more pressure on Saito’s head replied, “That’s only wishful thinking on your part.”

    “Does it mean that I’m mistaken…? Aren’t you fond of me?”

    “Who is fond of whom?”

    “Well, don’t you like me, Miss Louise?”

    “Haha… Please tell me the reason for you believing that, but you’d better make it simple to understand, otherwise I will not be able to tell what will happen to you…”

    “Well, during the ball, you looked at me, your familiar with those lovelorn eyes.”

    Louise with her face turning red replied, “So that’s why you thought that I’m fond of you and climbed into my bed?”

    “That’s correct, Miss Louise. Is your humble familiar really mistaken?”

    “You’re definitely mistaken, I have never heard of a familiar climbing into its owner’s bed.”

    “I will take note of it the next time.”

    Louise gave a sigh and said in a tone that seems to pity Saito, “There won’t be a next time.”

    “Master, Look! Look! The twin moons are shining so beautifully tonight!” Saito said in desperation.

    “Anyway, it’s too late…” Louise said in a voice trembling in anger. Under the twin moon’s moonlight, Saito’s cries of pain could be heard many miles away…

    The same time that Saito was being badly beaten up, Fouquet was staring idly at the ceiling somewhere far way from the academy in the City of Tristain’s prison. She was the triangle earth mage, who was apprehended by Saito and Co. two days ago for the theft of the “Staff of Destruction”. As she was infamous for stealing valuable treasure from various nobles she was placed in Genoa prison, the maximum security prison located in the City of Tristain.

    She would be charged in court the following week. As she had caused a great deal of shame to nobles all over the country, she would most probably either be exiled or be given the death sentence. Either way, she wouldn't be allowed in Tristain anymore. At first, she thought of escaping, but she later gave up that thought.

    Inside her cell, there was nothing except for shoddy looking bed and a table that was made of wood. Even the utensils she used were made of wood. Things would be quite different if there was just something made of metal… Like a spoon.

    She had wanted to turn the prison walls and iron bars into soil using alchemy. Without her wand, which was confiscated, that would not be possible. Magicians were helpless without their wands. Furthermore, the prison walls and iron bars are specially enchanted to resist magic. Even with the use of alchemy, she would not be able to escape.

    “It’s really mean of them to lock up a feeble female like myself here.” Fouquet grumbled to herself. Then she thought about the youth that had apprehended her, ''That boy is quite strong, can’t believe that he’s an ordinary human. Who exactly is he? Then again, it doesn’t concern me anymore.''

    “Time to sleep...” Fouquet closed her eyes and laid down. Just as she had closed her eyes, she quickly opened them again.

    Fouquet heard someone walking down to the dungeon where she was held. She heard peculiar noises that sounded like a spur. She deduced it could not be a warden, as they did not wear spurs on their boots. Fouquet quickly sat up.

    A person wearing a cloak appeared next to her cell, his face unseen as it was covered by a white mask. Judging from the long wand visible beneath his cloak, he was a mage.

    In a rather scornful manner, Fouquet exclaimed “I’m surprised to see a visitor in the middle of the night!”

    The man in the white mask did not reply, and instead gave Fouquet a cold stare.

    Fouquet instinctively knew that this person was hired to kill her. Some nobles she had stolen from must have thought that sentencing her in court was too much of a hassle and had decided to hire an assassin to kill her. Some of the items she had stolen from the imperial family were likely stolen goods to begin with, and in order not to let such a truth surface the imperials had probably decided to silence her.

    “Well, as you can see, this doesn’t look like a place to entertain someone. But I think you’re not here just for a cup of tea, right?” Fouquet said.

    She began to think, ''Though I’m without my wand, I will not easily give up without a fight. I’m not only well versed in magic; I’m pretty good in close combat too. However, I’m powerless to stop him should he use magic. Therefore, I must somehow lure him inside my cell.''

    Just then, the man in the cloak spoke, “Are you Fouquet of the Crumbling Earth?”

    His voice sounded strong and youthful.

    “I’m not sure who gave me this nickname, but yes, I am Fouquet of the Crumbling Earth.”

    The man in the cloak raised both of his hands, implying that he did not intend hostility.

    “I have something that I would like to tell you.”

    “What is that?” Fouquet replied in a rather surprised tone. “Don’t tell me that you’re going to speak on my defense. What a weirdo.”

    “I’d be happy to speak in your defense, my dear Mathilda of Saxe-Gotha”

    Fouquet’s face became pale. “That’s a name I had forgotten, or rather, was forced to forget. There should be no one in this world that knows that name anymore…”

    “Who exactly are you?”

    The cloaked man did not answer her question and instead asked, “Mathilda, do you wish to serve Albion again?”

    Fouquet, who had lost her cool, replied, “That’s impossible! I will never serve those who had murdered my father and annexed my home!”

    “Don’t be mistaken, no one is asking you to serve the Albion royal family. They’re going to be overthrown soon.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “A revolution is taking place. We’re going to overthrow the weak and powerless Imperial family, and succeeding them will be more capable nobles like ourselves.”

    “But aren’t you part of Tristain’s nobility? What has Albion’s revolution got to do with you?”

    “We are a consortium of nobles without borders who are worried about Halkeginia’s future. We wish to unify Halkeginia and regain the holy land that founder Brimir had once set foot on.“

    Fouquet smirked, “Please stop talking nonsense. If that’s the case, why does your consortium of nobles without borders need me? I’m just a prisoner.”

    “We need skilled magicians now more than ever. Will you lend us your help, Fouquet of the Crumbing Earth?”

    Fouquet waved her hands and replied, ”Please stop dreaming…”

    “You wish to unify Halkeginia? The Kingdoms of Tristain, Germania, Albion, Gallia, and a number of smaller kingdoms which are constantly at war with each other? Unifying them would be like a midsummer night's dream.”

    “Hmm! Getting the holy land back… how would you fight against the all-powerful elves?”

    For hundreds of years, the holy land had been in the possession of the elves living north of Halkeginia. Humans had attempted countless crusades to get back the holy land, but failed miserably each time.

    The elves, distinguished by their distinctly pointed ears and unique culture, had long life spans and were highly proficient with magic. As such, they were highly effective warriors. Defeating them would be an uphill battle.

    “I have no love for nobles and I have no interest in Halkeginia. As for regaining the Holy land, the elves can stay there for all I care!”

    The man in the black cloak took out his wand and replied, “I’ll give you a choice, Fouquet of the Crumbling Earth.”

    “Let’s hear it out.”

    “Either you become our comrade or…”

    Fouquet finished the sentence for him, “Or I would immediately perish here? Am I correct?”

    “That is correct. Since you already know our secret, I cannot let you live.”

    “You nobles are really a conceited bunch. You’ll never consider other people’s feelings,” Fouquet said with a chuckle, “To put it nicely, you’re inviting me to join you, but in reality there is no other choice, is there?”

    The man in the black cloak too replied with a chuckle, “That’s correct.”

    “Let me be a part of your consortium then. I hate people who do not know how to give orders.”

    “Let’s go then.”

    Fouquet placed both her hands onto her chest and asked, “What's the name of your organization?”

    “Do you really wish to join us, or are you just toying with me?”

    “I just want to know the name of the organization I will work for from now on.”

    The man in the black cloak removed a key from his pocket, unlocked Fouquet’s cell and answered, “The Reconquistadors.”

    -La matematica non è un'opinione è un'opinione dei matematici-

    Ps. NOn lo conosco ma mi è apparso intrigante e l'ho postato :D
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